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Your Doctor in Schaumburg Needs Solved

After using a non urgent care Bloomingdale provider for years for medical care, Rick was nervous after moving to Schaumburg, Illinois. He did not have medical insurance, and only used the immediate care center when he needed to meet with a doctor over a sickness or injury. The facility that he used was extremely affordable and he received quality care that did not cost him a fortune. The staff was friendly, and they never frowned upon him for not having insurance, which other facilities had in the past.

The week that Rick made the move; he already needed to see a doctor in Schaumburg after he started to have pain in his lower back. Although he was fairly sure that he had injured himself during the move, he knew that it was better to be safe than sorry. Rick was worried that he wouldn’t be able to find a doctor that was as affordable as the immediate care facility and he was also concerned that he wouldn’t be able to find a facility that would provide him with such prompt service.

Rick got on the internet and started his search. He was actually extremely happy to find out that the same immediate care facility that he used in Bloomingdale had a location in Schaumburg. How lucky was that? The facility that he had grown so attached to had several locations throughout the area! Feeling much better about going to see the doctor, Rick wrote down the address and made his way over to the facility.

He was still concerned that it might be more expensive, more crowded, and that the staff would not be so friendly. However, as soon as Rick walked inside of the facility he felt as if her were in a familiar place and that he was welcomed. He filled out some paperwork given to him by a friendly nurse, and was seated in the waiting room for less than five minutes before a nurse brought him into the back. As soon as the nurse was done performing her routine checks, the doctor was waiting to get in.

The whole visit took less than half an hour and Rick left the doctor’s office with a prescription for the pain and good news that it was nothing serious besides a muscle strain. Now Rick knew where he’d be turning to for his flu shots in Schaumburg and for every other medical concern that he would encounter in the future.

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