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Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.

But what do you do if you still need health care? Fortunately, Telehealth can help.


How Telehealth works

Telehealth — or telemedicine — is a healthcare solution that allows you to meet with your doctor virtually instead of going to the office. Our 100% HIPAA-compliant system uses a two-way, high definition video, so we can talk face-to-face as if we’re in the same room together.

With Telehealth, you can also:

This streamlined approach originally evolved to help expand medical care to men, women, and children living in remote areas. Today, 76% of hospitals use Telehealth technology, and US employers could save as much as $6 billion a year by making telemedicine technology available to their employees. But the advantages of Telehealth go far beyond financial savings.


The benefits of telemedicine

Whether you live close to your doctor or in a rural area, you probably know firsthand that even a routine visit involves wait times of 18 minutes or longer — and that doesn’t even include the time you spend getting there. Telehealth technology eliminates that.

By connecting to your doctor in a virtual setting, you can expect to:

At the same time, you also reduce your risk of exposure to contagious illnesses, like the common cold, flu, and COVID-19.

Telemedicine is also available to patients of all ages, including children, older adults, and those in vulnerable health. That makes it an ideal healthcare solution for everyone, especially when someone can no longer leave their home safely but still requires medical attention.


What to expect during a Telehealth appointment

Telemedicine technology has never been easier to use, simply:

You can also upload photos, if needed, to help us diagnose your symptoms.

For more information on telemedicine or to schedule your virtual visit, contact us by calling or requesting your Telehealth appointment online today.



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